Michael Stewart Foley, punk rock historian, with Dutch post-hardcore band, John Coffey, 2015, photo by Tom Roelofs
In edited collections
“Protest Music,” co-authored with Carmen de la Peza, in Wilfried Raussert, Giselle Anatole, and Joachim Michael, The Routledge Handbook to the Culture and Media of the Americas (Oxford: Routledge, 2020).
“Memory Politics,” co-authored with Ludmila da Silva Catela, in Olaf Kaltmeier, Mario Rufer, and Michael Stewart Foley, The Routledge Handbook to the History and Society of the Americas (Oxford: Routledge, 2019).
“Subcultures,” co-authored with Carmen de la Peza, in Olaf Kaltmeier, Mario Rufer, and Michael Stewart Foley, The Routledge Handbook to the History and Society of the Americas (Oxford: Routledge, 2019).
“A Lesson of Commitment and Sacrifice: Draft Resistance in Boston and Puerto Rico during the Vietnam War,” in Benjamin Ziemann, ed., Peace Movements in Western Europe, Japan, and the USA during the Cold War. Essen, Germany: Klartext Verlag, 2007, pp. 61-76.